An Empire Strengthened

TimeWatch Editorial
June 24, 2016

an empire strenghtened

As has been stated in our Editorial dated January 6 2016 entitled: “The Rise of an Empire, part 1,” On April 18, 1951, France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands signed an agreement called the ‘Treaty of Paris.’ This treaty created something called the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC). Then, in 1957, the ‘Treaty of Rome’ was signed by Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and West Germany
. The official name of this Treaty of Rome was the “Treaty establishing the European Economic Community” or the TEEC. This was of course the early restoration of what has been described by many as the Holy Roman Empire.

The signing of the Maastricht treaty on 7 February 1992 was by no means the end of the plan to restore the Holy Roman Empire. Macer Hall , writing in the Daily Express dated May 4, 2012 says the European Union has secretly planned to do away with the sovereignty of the member nations and create a United States of Europe.

“Opponents fear the plan could create a modern-day equivalent of the European emperor envisaged by Napoleon Bonaparte or a return to the Holy Roman Empire of Charlemagne that dominated Europe in the Dark Ages. They are concerned that David Cameron’s coalition Government is doing nothing to prevent the sinister plot. The secret talks were uncovered by Independent Labor peer Lord Stoddart of Swindon.” Macer Hall, “EU plot to scrap Britain,” the Daily Express dated May 4, 2012

In our June 20 2016 article, entitled “An Empire Threatened,” we discussed the referendum that was called in Britain to determine whether or not that country would remain a part of the European Union. What has not been revealed is the fact that a decision to leave the EU by Britain would have a serious impact upon the global economy and for that matter the military environment that presently exists. It is nevertheless quite clear that the continued shift in the national divide will ultimately lead to global control.

Donna Rachel Edmunds writing for the BREITBART London Website, 24 Apr 2016 is quite clear. In her headline, “European Ministers lay out Explicit Plan to Create United States of Europe,” she says:

“European ministers have explicitly laid out their intentions to create a federal Unites States of Europe; directly contradicting the British Prime Minister, David Cameron’s claims that Britain will not be sucked into a European superstate should the people of Britain vote to remain within the European Union (EU). The emergence of a declaration signed in Rome by European ministers five months previously to Mr Cameron’s announcement reveals that the intention on the continent is to press ahead with the creation of a federal Europe. Not content with merely monetary union and free movement, the declaration, signed by the speakers of the national parliaments in Germany, France, Italy and Luxembourg states that they want to integrate a broad spectrum of policies. “It should include all matters pertaining to the European ideal — social and cultural affairs as well as foreign, security and defense policy,” the declaration states.” Donna Rachel Edmunds, “European Ministers lay out Explicit Plan to Create United States of Europe,” the BREITBART London Website, 24 Apr 2016

Perhaps we should pay a little more attention to this matter, for regardless of the decision made by Britain today note the following:

“Leader of the Commons, Chris Grayling, who has been sent the document, said: “This shows there are now serious plans for a political union, where those countries in the Eurozone move towards having a single government.” He accepted Mr Cameron’s statement that Britain and Denmark would be exempt, but argues that in practice the arrangement would make very little difference. “This new entity will still make our laws for us,” he said. “We will have very little say in what happens. We have to decide whether we want to be an independent country or whether we want to be caught up in what is heading fast towards being a United States of Europe.” The emergence of the document comes mere days after it was revealed that Germany and the Netherlands are already pressing ahead with plans to federalize the European armed forces by merging their own national forces.” Donna Rachel Edmunds, “European Ministers lay out Explicit Plan to Create United States of Europe,” the BREITBART London Website, 24 Apr 2016

As I have said, it might be wise to pay a little more attention to this matter.

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