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“He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed” (Rev. 13:15)

The time will come when he who stands to his allegiance to the third angel’s message will have the penalty of death pronounced upon him. His life will be declared forfeited by the powers of this earth.

Then can any question of life come into our calculations now? Shall one weigh up what his life is worth now, and weigh anything in his calculations as to whether he is going to stand by the third angel’s message or not?

When all earthly support and protection are taken away, when all questions of reputation (which the world thinks so much of) are taken away with all questions of property or business of any kind, and when all questions of life are taken away, how much is left? None. Then it is time for everyone of us to begin to think very seriously indeed.

But thank the Lord, we need not be a bit afraid of our enemy. The Lord will never allow one to be shut up in a place where [H]e does not expect to take us out a great deal more gloriously than if we had never got in there. The Lord does not call upon you and me to forfeit anything, but that in the place of it He will give us that which is worth infinitely more. When He call upon us to stand in allegiance to His truth, which shuts off from us all considerations of earthly support or protection, then He simply says, “Here is all the power of heaven and earth for you.” Here is the covering of the Almighty drawn over you. “The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms” (Deut. 33:27). “be not afraid.” That is His word, is it not? Let us go on our way with singing then.

General Conference Bulletin, pp. 126, 127

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