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“Chapter 8 of Proverbs records the call of heavenly Wisdom- the voice of the Son of God. That Christ is the speaker here is plain from the personal attributes as ascribed to Wisdom, which rightly apply to no one but Him. He is called the divine Word, or logos, who was with God in the beginning, and who was God. Thus the Wisdom of which Solomon writes is none other than the Word of Christ, calling to the sons of men to forsake foolishness, and renounce the evil of pride and arrogance, which makes a man imagine that his word and his plans are better than God’s. ‘Counsel is mine,’ says Christ, ‘and sound wisdom; I am understanding; I have strength’ (vs. 14).

The excellency of the Word of Christ is here exalted above all of the vain imaginations of men, and he cries loudly at the gates- He speaks of ‘excellent things’ and ‘right things.’ It is by Him that kings reign and princes rule- and if the Wisdom of God in Christ overrules in the palaces of earthly monarchs, how much more is His Word supreme in His own house!

Therefore, writing to the church at Colossae, Paul says, ‘Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.’ This is an application of Proverbs 8 to the life and worship of the Church. The excellency of the word of Christ is to be found in the Church’s songs of praise. In the inspired psalms, hymns and songs of David, the Word of Christ Himself sounds forth. ‘ All of His words are righteousness; nothing crooked or perverse is in them’ (Pro. 8:8). ‘All the things that may be desired cannot be compared to it’ (Prov. 8:11).” (Comin, 199-200)

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