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“Some have seen a wonderful analogy in this unique book of Christ-the wisdom of God-instructing His children in the way they should go, and warning them against the spiritual adultery of false worship. Certainly, the contrast between the excellencies of God’s Word and the natural foolishness, laziness and self-centeredness of man points to the need for every act to be anchored in the prescriptive will of God.

The book of Proverbs is unique among the inspired Scriptures. Far more than a collection of wise sayings, the book holds before us Christ-the wisdom of God-the Divine logos, as He calls out to His children and shows them the way of life.”

God’s Word alone is trustworthy (Pro. 3:1-8; 30:1-6)

“Wisdom begins with the fear of the Lord, and is evidenced by diligent and glad submission to His commandments. In the keeping of God’s commandments there is life, peace, fulfillment, and reward. The trustworthiness of God’s Word is contrasted with the weakness and vanity of man’s own understanding, though he is ever prone to be ‘wise in his own eyes.’ True wisdom, according to Proverbs, is seen in the acknowledgement of our own utter lack of the knowledge of God, which leads to a total dependence upon His pure and perfect Word in all matters of faith and life.” (Comin, 195-196)

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