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“It is sad to note that those who adhere to the exclusive use of the Psalms in worship are often accused of being divisive. Yet it is not the Psalms, but rather man-written hymns, which exacerbate divisions in the body of Christ. Hymns composed by men are inescapably sectarian. There is a Methodist hymn book, a Baptist hymn book, a Congregational hymn book, a Presbyterian hymn book, etc. Every hymn of human composition must, of necessity, reflect the particular doctrinal bias of its author. As long as such biased songs continue to burn sectarian doctrines into the hearts of those who sing them week after week, the Church must remain in disunity.

It is impossible for man to compose a hymnal upon which all Christians can agree. Yet God has given such a hymnal to the Church, perfect in content, and utterly devoid of human opinion. Imagine what strides would be made toward unifying the church if all of God’s people made His songs the theme of their praise whenever they came together for corporate worship! Instead of filling our minds with regular doses of our pet doctrines, we would be filling our hearts with God’s Word and learning together from the grand themes of the Biblical Psalms. Thus Jesus prayed for His Church: ‘Sanctify them by Your truth; Your Word is truth.’”
(Comin, 191-192)

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