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“In the final words of Elihu we find a profound summary of man's inability to approach God, or even know what to say to Him, because of the surpassing majesty of the Almighty and the utter darkness of our understanding. The appeal is to God's transcendent glory, which renders man utterly unable to draw near to Him, or even to know how to address Him.

What folly it is for mere man to imagine that he can approach the God of glory by his own means! Let those who contend for man's right to improvise in worship answer Elihu’s challenge: ‘Teach us what we shall say to Him, for we cannot order our speech by reason of darkness,’ Then let them say with Job: ‘Behold, I am vile; what shall I answer You? I lay my hand over my mouth.’

The word ‘vile’ is better translated ‘insignificant’ or ‘self -despised.’ True worship according to the lessons of Job, is found in the realization of our own insignificance, so that we leave off striving to approach God on our own terms and determined to seek Him according to His sovereign will. Those who thus seek Him shall find Him.” (Comin 182)

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