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“In the second speech of Elihu we encounter a phrase which Spurgeon remarks ‘is written in language of the most ancient kind, which is but little understood,’ He is referring to the question of Elihu to Job in verse 33, which the Authorized Version renders best: ‘Should it be according to thy mind?’ Spurgeon summarizes the meaning by restating it in more contemporary language: ‘Do men really think that things should be according to their mind?’ Applying this to the Church, he then asks, ‘Should gaudy ceremonies drive the Lord's homely ordinances out of doors? Should taste override divine commands?’

It is ever the tendency of men to imagine that the Lord is altogether like them, and would be pleased by what pleases them (see psalms 50:21). Their view of God, His Providence, the Gospel and corporate worship are continually shaped by this foolish notion that it should be ‘according to their mind.’ The tragic results of such thinking in the Church are that (a) God's glory is obscured; (b) men's consciences are trampled; (c) men play the role of God; (d) temptations are increased; (e) desires become more greedy; (f) sins go uncorrected; and (g) dissension becomes the rule.

True worship is the recognition that we can only approach God according to His mind, which is revealed to us in His infallible Word.” (Comin, 181)

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