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“The public prayer of confession was followed by a solemn ceremony in which the people renewed their covenant with God, ‘entering into a curse and an oath to walk in God's Law, which was given by Moses the servant of God, and to observe and do all the commandments of the Lord, and His ordinances and statutes.’ All of the people, from the greatest to the least, ‘whoever had knowledge and understanding,’ pledged themselves to pursue the course of obedience to God's Law. The formal covenant sworn on this occasion included several key points in which the people proposed to conform to God's revealed will and bound themselves with an oath.

First, they determined not to intermarry with the people of the land, indicating their commitment to guard themselves from compromising influences which would lead them to corrupt God's worship.

Second, they purposed to keep the Sabbath holy and to refrain from worldly business on God's holy day.

Third, they determined to make the necessary provisions from their own resources for the maintenance of the priests and Levites and the services of the Temple.

Fourth, they renewed their commitment to dedicate the firstfruits of their increase to the Lord, and to bring the whole tithe into God's storehouse for the maintenance of a faithful ministry.

Fifth, they swore an oath that they would ‘not neglect the house of God,’ making God's pure worship their priority.

The basis for each of these particular points of the covenant was the written Word of God, which they recognized as the rule for their faith and practice. This formal covenant renewal was the result of their asking, ‘What does the Lord require?’ and determining to conform their corporate practice to His revealed will.

This is the question that the Church must ask in our day, and its asking must be followed by a solemn covenant to return to the prescribed ordinances of God, forsaking all that finds no warrant in His word.” (Comin, 165-166)

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