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“America will follow in the footsteps of the papacy and dishonor God and persecute his faithful followers on earth. How can a nation blaspheme God? The word ‘blaspheme’ means to speak of God in an irreverent and impious manner, and in the extreme, to revile and execrate. To blaspheme God's name is to usurp the title and prerogatives of God (See John 10:33). When a people repudiates the concept that the Creator is the source of all rights, then their government steps in and acts in the place of God.

To blaspheme God's tabernacle is to set up a counterfeit system of worship on earth that diverts man's attention from the ministerial work of Christ in the heavenly Tabernacle. Today America refuses to acknowledge that God is at the foundation of the principles on which the nation was founded. We have passed laws to banish the memory of God from our schools and public institutions. In reaction to this trend of immorality, the Bible predicts that America will turn around and enforce a form of morality. The very use of force in the area of worship is to usurp the place and prerogative of God, who designed that men should be free to worship Him according to the dictates of their conscience. America will look to the example of the historical papacy in adopting laws to coerce worship.”
(James Henderson, Evangelical Civil War, 296-297)

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