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“The Reconstructionists such as Rushdoony and North, whose influence within the Coalition of Revival is quite apparent, are the same kind of legalist whom Paul refuted in the Galatian epistle. They hope to enforce upon both the church and an unconverted world, laws given to Israel as God's peculiar people, but which neither Israel nor any other unregenerate people could keep. As Calvinists, the goal of the Reconstructionists…is basically to institute worldwide the same legalistic regime as that which Calvin imposed upon Geneva…

Those who are not indwelt by the spirit of God are by nature antagonistic to God and unable to obey his laws. Even if they succeeded in doing so, their ‘obedience’ would be motivated by self-interest rather than love for God and, thus would not be acceptable to Him. The very foundation, then, of this [Reconstructionist] movement to Christianize the world, rests upon false assumptions that the Bible repudiated and that history has repeatedly proved unworkable.”
(Dave Hunt, Whatever happened to Heaven, 218-219 as cited in Evangelical Civil War, James Henderson, p.12-13)

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