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When the bishops of Rome made a compact of mutual assistance in 311, the bishops promise Constantine that the Christians would come to his aid if he stopped the persecutions. Daniel describes this alliance of state and church as transgression. It is equally true that from 311 onward, Constantine used his armies to support and exalt the bishops of Rome over the Christian churches. This alliance eventually grew into an independent papal Kingdom that opposed the truth of the Gospel. In the ordinance of the Mass, papal Rome opposes the teaching of the once for all sacrifice of Christ and by absorbing pagan rituals and doctrines, papal Rome also cast truth to the ground… The alliance between the bishops of Rome and Constantine and a subsequent conversion of the emperor to Christianity resulted in the creation of the Christian Roman Empire. By imperial fiat, without benefit of conversion, the entire Roman world became ‘Christian.’ Paganism was gradually extinguished from the realm by the unrelenting efforts of Christian emperors and bishops of Rome. When the emperors abandoned the city of Rome for Constantinople, the bishops of Rome became more and more powerful, eventually becoming the most powerful force in the Western empire. The extension of the line of Western emperors in 476 opened the door for the emergence of the papal Roman Empire.” (James Henderson, Evangelical Civil War, 2017, P. 39 -40)

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