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“Unfortunately, the courts in this nation have only needed a nudge in the wrong direction to reconstruct the law of the land. Isn't it true that in many landmark cases brought before the U. S. Supreme Court, perhaps just one individual or maybe as few as two, are responsible for introducing new laws into our land that can change the course of history?

It is reported that the Roe v Wade decision (1973) by the highest court in the United States relates back to challenges made by just two women. These two women fought for their right to freedoms not granted prior to that time-the right to request an abortion and the legal right to pursue that freedom indiscriminately. We cringe today realizing that a tiny majority can often start this social avalanche, and in many cases even just one solitary individual.

But do you know what the saddest part of the whole matter is? Both of these women who once took their cases to the highest court in the land, have now defected to the pro-life side of the debate. They regret the choices they made nearly three decades ago- choices that led to the aftermath of that decision, and since that time, 40 million helpless babies have paid with their lives.” [Focus on the Family, Jan, 2001] (Bradley Booth, Truth or Consequences, 2003, 48)

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