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“Many see this entertainment form of worship we have been discussing as a fad that will pass through our land and ultimately vanish over the horizon. If so, it will leave behind a scorched earth full of discouraged and bewildered believers, or quasi- believers, who will not know where to turn next. Nevertheless, it would appear that some are already flying the coop. Donald G Bloesch reported this recently in Christianity Today article (Feb. 5, 2001) outlining the early signs of a backlash to the seeker- sensitive services so popular today:

Evangelical Protestantism is in trouble today as an increasing number of business and professional people are searching for a new church. The complaint I hear most often is that people can no longer sense the sacred either in the preaching or the liturgy… Worship has become performance rather than praise. The praise choruses that have preempted the great hymns of the church do not hide the fact our worship is essentially a spectacle that appeals to the senses rather than an act of obeisance to the mighty God who is both holiness and love. Contemporary worship is far more ego-centric than theocentric. The aim is less to give glory to God than to satisfy the longings of the human heart. Even when we sing God's praises the focus is on fulfilling and satisfying the human desire for wholeness and serenity.” (Gary Gilley, This Little Church Went to Market, 2005, p. 83-84)

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