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“{T}he most satanic resistance to God's testimony, in the world, is offered by those who, though they imitate the effects of the truth, have but ‘the form of godliness’ and ‘deny the power thereof.’ Persons of this class can do the same things, adopt the same habits and forms, use the same phraseology, profess the same opinions as others. If the true Christian, constrained by the love of Christ, feeds the hungry, clothes the naked, visits the sick, circulates the scriptures, distributes tracts, supports the gospel, engages in prayer, sings praise, preaches the gospel, the formalist can do every one of these things; and this, be it observed, is the special character of the resistance offered to the truth ‘in the last days’- this is the spirit of Jannes and Jambres.” (C. H. Mackintosh, Commentary on Exodus, 1858, p.77-78)

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