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By Chris Carpenter

To say the last few years of American politics have been volatile and chaotic would be quite an understatement.

With midterm elections just around the corner, and the presidential election cycle looming just beyond that, it seems voters are determined to move beyond the machinations and maneuverings of the last few years.

But before that can happen, we must find answers to some tough questions.

For example: Was the relationship between Evangelical Christians and Donald Trump a match made in Heaven — or a marriage made in Hell? Did Christian conservatives trade their reputation for a seat at the political table? And how did Donald Trump go from unlikely presidential candidate to superhero and political savior in the eyes of his supporters?

Apologist and radio host Michael Brown believes that in the last election, millions of sincere Christians seemed to wrap the Gospel in the American flag so tightly that politics became a rallying point of their faith. In his latest book, The Political Seduction of the Church, he rejects the idea that the Church is called to take over society and lays out a strategy for healthy political and cultural engagement.

Brown joins us on the "Crossmap Podcast" to share his thoughts on whether Christians should even be involved in politics and why, as a body of believers, we must do better.

Listen as he shares why he thinks false prophecies were given during President Trump's re-election campaign in 2020 and how to recognize some surefire ways that you have been politically seduced.

Did Christians trade reputation for a seat at political table? | Politics News (christianpost.com)

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