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the desire of ages small timewatch ministries

It would be well to spend a thoughtful hour each day reviewing the life of Christ from the manger to Calvary. We should take it point by point and let the imagination vividly grasp each scene, especially the closing ones of His earthly life. By thus contemplating His teachings and sufferings, and the infinite sacrifice made by Him for the redemption of the race, we may strengthen our faith, quicken our love, and become more deeply imbued with the spirit which sustained our Saviour. If we would be saved at last we must all learn the lesson of penitence and faith at the foot of the cross.

Downloadable, Dramatic, Audio Sharing Book and Present Truth for these days

 The Desire of Ages
Chp 1 - God With Us
Chp 2 - The Chosen People
Chp 3 - The Fullness of the Time
Chp 4 - Unto you a Saviour
Chp 5 - The Dedication
Chp 6 - We Have Seen His Star
Chp 7 - As A Child
Chp 8 - The Passover Visit
Chp 9 - Days of Conflict
Chp 10 - The Voice in the Wilderness
Chp 11 - The Baptism
Chp 12 - The Tumptation
Chp 13 - The Victory
Chp 14 - We Have Found the Messiahs
Chp 15 - At The Marriage Feast
Chp 16 - In His Temple
Chp 17 - Nicodemus
Chp 18 - He Must Increase
Chp 19 - At Jacob's Well
Chp 20 - Except Ye See Signs and Wonders
Chp 21 - Bethesda and the Sanhedrin
Chp 22 - Imprisonment and Death of John
Chp 23 - The Kingdom of God is at Hand
Chp 24 - Is Not This the Carpenter's Son
Chp 25 - The Call by the Sea
Chp 26 - At Capernaum
Chp 27 - Thou Canst Make Me Clean
Chp 28 - Levi Matthew
Chp 29 - The Sabbath
Chp 30 - He Ordained Twelve
Chp 31 - The Sermon on the Mount
Chp 32 - The Centurion
Chp 33 - Who Are My Brethren
Chp 34 - The Invitation
Chp 35 - Peace Be Still
Chp 36 - The Touch of Faith
Chp 37 - The First Evangelist
Chp 38 - Come and Rest A While
Chp 39 - Give Ye Them To Eat
Chp 40 - A Night on the Lake
Chp 41 - The Crisis in Galilee
Chp 42 - Tradition
Chp 43 - Barriers Broken Down
Chp 44 - The True Sign
Chp 45 - Foreshadowing of the Cross
Chp 46 - He Was Transfigured
Chp 47 - Ministry
Chp 48 - Who is the Greatest?
Chp 49 - The Feast of Tabernacles
Chp 50 - Among Snares
Chp 51 - The Light of Life
Chp 52 - The Divine Shepherd
Chp 53 - The Last Journey From Galilee
Chp 54 - The Good Samarithan
Chp 55 - Not With Outward Show
Chp 56 - Blessing the Children
Chp 57 - One Thing Thou Lackest
Chp 58 - Lazarus Come Forth
Chp 59 - Priestly Plottings
Chp 60 - The Law of the New Kingdom
Chp 61 - Zacchaeus
Chp 62 - The Feast at Simon's House
Chp 63 - Thy King Cometh
Chp 64 - A Doomed People
Chp 65 - The Temple Cleansed Again
Chp 66 - Controversy
Chp 67 - Woes on the Pharisees
Chp 68 - In the Outer Court
Chp 69 - On the Mount of Olives
Chp 70 - The Least of These My Brethren
Chp 71 - A Servant of Servants
Chp 72 - In Remembrance of Me
Chp 73 - Let Not Your Heart be Troubled
Chp 74 - Gethsemane
Chp 75 - Before Annas and the Court of Caiaphas
Chp 76 - Judas
Chp 77 - In Pilate's Judgement Hall
Chp 78 - Calvary
Chp 79 - It Is Finished
Chp 80 - In Joseph'sTomb
Chp 81 - He Is Risen
Chp 82 - Why Weepest Thou?
Chp 83 - The Walk to Emmaus
Chp 84 - Peace Be Unto You
Chp 85 - By the Sea Once More
Chp 86 - Go Teach All Nations
Chp 87 - To My Father and your Father
Don't Forget to DONATE


PHONE NO: 605-475-4995

ACCESS NO: 648216#
 Morning Manna 
Cameron Bowen
 Daily Briefing 
Cameron Bowen
Morning Manna - Sep 1, 2020 - Preaching the Gospel
Daily Briefing - Sep 1, 2021 - How to Live with Constant Reminders that the Earth is in Trouble
Morning Manna - Sep 2, 2021 - The Shephard and His Work
Daily Briefing - Sep 2, 2021 - Why Seventh-day Adventist Revere Issac Newton
Morning Manna - Sep 3, 2021 - Missionary Work
Daily Briefing - Sep 3, 2021 - The World Cascade of Disasters is not a Coincidence
Morning Manna - Sep 4, 2021 - The Poor and Our Duty Toward Them
Daily Briefing - Sep 4, 2021 - Extreme Weather Is Sweeping The World
Morning Manna - Sep 5, 2021 - Christian Help Work
Daily Briefing - Sep 5, 2021 - How The Vatican Created Islam
Morning Manna - Sep 6, 2021 - Healing the Sick
Daily Briefing - Sep 6, 2021 - The Beginning of Woes
Morning Manna - Sep 7, 2021 - In Prison
Daily Briefing - Sep 7, 2021 - God's Promises are Conditional
Morning Manna - Sep 8, 2021 - Order and Organization
Daily Briefing - Sep 8, 2021 - The Necessity of Cooperation with God
Morning Manna - Sep 9, 2021 - Support of the Ministry
Daily Briefing - Sep 9, 2021 - Magnitude 7.0 Earthquake Rocks Mexican Coast Near Acapulco
Morning Manna - Sep 10, 2021 - Freewill Offerings
Daily Briefing - Sep 10, 2021 - Extreme Weather Cost US Taxpayers 99 Billion Last Year and Getting Worse
Morning Manna - Sep 11, 2021 - Hospitality
Daily Briefing - Sep 11, 2021 - Biden Announces Covid 19 Vaccine Mandates That Will Affect Millions
Morning Manna - Sep 12, 2021 - Who is the Greatest
Daily Briefing - Sep 12, 2021 - EU Travel Ban Which Countries are Open To Americans Vaccinated or Not
Morning Manna - Sep 13, 2021 - Pride
Daily Briefing - Sep 13, 2021 - More Airline Passengers Refuse Masks FAA Leaves Bid Fines
Morning Manna - Sep 14, 2021 - Selfishness
Daily Briefing - Sep 14, 2021 - Economic Consequences of the Covid-19 Outbreak
Morning Manna - Sep 15, 2021 - Covetousness
Daily Briefing - Sep 15, 2021 - Urgent Effective Action Required to Quell Impact of Covid 19 Oneducation Worldwide
Morning Manna - Sep 16, 2021 - Debts
Daily Briefing - Sep 16, 2021 - Area Hospitals Overrun With Covid19 Patients
Morning Manna - Sep 17, 2021 - Respect of Persons
Daily Briefing - Sep 17, 2021 - How Covid 19 is Impacting the Preparedness of the US Military
Morning Manna - Sep 18, 2021 - Backsliding
Daily Briefing - Sep 18, 2021 - Covid 19 Impact on Food Security
Morning Manna - Sep 19, 2021 - Unbelief
Daily Briefing - Sep 19, 2021 - Amid Covid19 Overload, Alaska Largest Hospital Is Prioritizing
Morning Manna - Sep 20, 2021 - Judging
Daily Briefing - Sep 20, 2021 - A Nation Under God
Morning Manna - Sep 21, 2021 - Gossiping and BackBiting
Daily Briefing - Sep 21, 2021 - A Radical Rightwing Dream to Rewrite the Constitution is Close to Coming True
Morning Manna - Sep 22, 2021 - Envy, Jealousy and Hatred
Daily Briefing - Sep 22, 2021 - A Radical Right Wing Dream to Rewrite the Constitution
The Desire of Ages Book Series has Begun 
Click Here

PHONE NO: 605-475-4995

ACCESS NO: 648216#
 Morning Manna 
Cameron Bowen
 Daily Briefing 
Cameron Bowen
Morning Manna - Aug 1, 2020 - The Dark Ministries of Bad Angels
Daily Briefing - Aug 1, 2021 - Living With Scientific Uncertainty
Morning Manna - Aug 2, 2021 - Spiritualism
Daily Briefing - Aug 2, 2021 - The Peril of the Republic of the United States of America
Morning Manna - Aug 3, 2021 - Growth in Grace
Daily Briefing - Aug 3, 2021 - The Morning Star of the Advent Movement
Morning Manna - Aug 4, 2021 - The Christian Armor
Daily Briefing - Aug 4, 2021 - The Advent Movement in America
Morning Manna - Aug 5, 2021 - Walking in the Light
Daily Briefing - Aug 5, 2021 - The Advent Movement in Other Lands
Morning Manna - Aug 6, 2021 - Saving Faith
Daily Briefing - Aug 6, 2021 - The Great Disapppointment
Morning Manna - Aug 7, 2021 - Trials and Their Object
Daily Briefing - Aug 7, 2021 - The Great Disappointment - The Approaching Crisis Chapter 4
Morning Manna - Aug 8, 2021 - Overcoming
Daily Briefing - Aug 8, 2021 - Light After Darkness - Their Mistake Revealed - Chapter 5
Morning Manna - Aug 9, 2021 - The Ministry of Sorrow
Daily Briefing - Aug 9, 2021 - Light After Darkness - The Sanctuary and its Cleansing
Morning Manna - Aug 10, 2021 - Comfort in Affliction
Daily Briefing - Aug 10, 2021 - Lessons in the Decline of Democracy from the Ruined Roman Empire
Morning Manna - Aug 11, 2021 - Trusting in Jesus
Daily Briefing - Aug 11, 2021 - Divine Leadership All theWay - Heavenly Guidance Assurred
Morning Manna - Aug 12, 2021 - Patience
Daily Briefing - Aug 12, 2021 - Bangladesh Two Protestant Churches Targeted Attacked and Ransacked
Morning Manna - Aug 13, 2021 - Contentment
Daily Briefing - Aug 13, 2021 - Dr. Anthony Fauchi - The Rachel Maddow Show
Morning Manna - Aug 14, 2021 - Cheerfulness
Daily Briefing - Aug 14, 2021 - US is Sending 3000 Troops Back to Afghanistan
Morning Manna - Aug 15, 2021 - Confessing Faults and  Forgiving One Another
Daily Briefing - Aug 15, 2021 - A Cold Civil War is Being Waged in America
Morning Manna - Aug 16, 2021 - Unity of Believers
Daily Briefing - Aug 16, 2021 - Major Earthquake Rocks Haiti
Morning Manna - Aug 17, 2021 - Meekness and Humility
Daily Briefing - Aug 17, 2021 - Haiti Earthquake Death Toll Rises to Nearly 1300
Morning Manna - Aug 18, 2021 - Wisdom
Daily Briefing - Aug 18, 2021 - The People of Afghanistan are Not Fleeing From the Taliban, But From Sharia Laws
Morning Manna - Aug 19, 2021 - Deligence
Daily Briefing - Aug 19, 2021 - How Pope Francis is Transforming Catholic Muslim Relations
Morning Manna - Aug 20, 2021 - Perfection of Character
Daily Briefing - Aug 20, 2021 - What is Sheria Law and How has the Taliban Interpreted It
Morning Manna - Aug 21, 2021 - Sowing and Reaping
Daily Briefing - Aug 21, 2021 - Luther on Islam
Morning Manna - Aug 22, 2021 - Importance of Prayer
Daily Briefing - Aug 22, 2021 - Vatican Warns U.S. Bishops Don't Deny Biden Communion Over Abortion
Morning Manna - Aug 23, 2021 - Meditation and Prayer
Daily Briefing - Aug 23, 2021 - Most Extreme Weather Events Across the World in 2021
Morning Manna - Aug 24, 2021 - Watching Unto Prayer
Daily Briefing - Aug 24, 2021 - Taliban Going Door to Door Seeking Christians
Morning Manna - Aug 25, 2021 - Anwers to Prayers
Daily Briefing - Aug 25, 2021 - Afghanistan and Loma Linda University
Morning Manna - Aug 26, 2021 - Public Worship
Daily Briefing - Aug 26, 2021 - Victoria SDA Church Builds Classrooms in Afghanistan
Morning Manna - Aug 27, 2021 - Reverance for the House of God
Daily Briefing - Aug 27, 2021 - US Casualties Among Wounded in Explosion at Kabul Airport
Morning Manna - Aug 28, 2021 - Christian Communion
Daily Briefing - Aug 28, 2021 - Foxe's Book of Martyrs - Chp 1
Morning Manna - Aug 29, 2021 - Praise and Thanksgiving
Daily Briefing - Aug 29, 2021 - Bangladesh Two Protestant Churches Targeted Attacked and Ransacked
Morning Manna - Aug 30, 2021 - The Value of Song
Daily Briefing - Aug 30, 2021 - The Taliban Seizure of Afghanistan was Long and Visible in the Making
Morning Manna - Aug 31, 2021 - The Gift of Giving
Daily Briefing - Aug 31, 2021 - Feds Warn of Alarming Rise in Reports of Fake Vaccine Cards Sold and Used

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