The Missing Link – Part 5

TimeWatch Editorial
January 22, 2017

In our last editorial, we ended with a discussion on the anticipated fulfillment of Fatima’s prophecy regarding the conversion of Russia. As you will recall, in 1917, when Russia fully embraced the philosophy of Communism, Fatima appeared to three youths, delivering three secrets, one of which looked forward to the return of Russia to Christianity.

On November 28, 2013, Deacon Keith A. Fournier published an article in the Catholic Online Website entitled, “Fatima and the Conversion of Russia: Pope Francis Meets President Putin.” According to the Stream Website, Deacon Keith A. Fournier is a Senior Contributor to The Stream  and the Founder and Chairman of Common Good Foundation and Common Good Alliance. A married Deacon of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Richmond, Virginia, he and his wife Laurine have five grown children and seven grandchildren. He is a human rights lawyer and public policy advocate who served as the first and founding Executive Director of the American Center for Law and Justice in the 1990’S. He has long been active at the intersection of faith and culture and serves as Special Counsel to Liberty Counsel. He is also the Editor in Chief of Catholic Online. Here is how Deacon Fournier opens his article.

“The return of Christianity to Russia should give us hope for our own Nation as we face the effects of moral relativism, secularism and the growing hostility toward Christianity. I want to suggest something which will raise many eyebrows. Is what is happening in Russia a partial fulfillment of the promised conversion of that Nation? President Putin exchanging icons of Mary with Pope Francis was not simply a mere nicety. Accounts which have surfaced indicate that it was done with reverence and genuine signs of Christian piety. Could this be a part of the promise of Fatima being fulfilled?”
Deacon Keith A. Fournier, “Fatima and the Conversion of Russia: Pope Francis Meets President Putin.” Catholic Online, November 28, 2013

Deacon Fournier actually quotes the official statement of the meeting in his article.

“VATICAN CITY (Catholic Online) - On Monday afternoon, November 25, 2013, Pope Francis met President Putin in the Vatican. Here is the official Communique of the Holy See Press Office: Audience of the Holy Father Granted to the President of the Russian Federation, His Excellency Mr. Vladimir Putin

In the afternoon of Monday 25 November 2013, the President of the Russian Federation, His Excellency Mr. Vladimir Putin, was received in audience by the Holy Father Francis. Mr. Putin subsequently went on to meet with the Secretary of State, Archbishop Pietro Parolin, who was accompanied by the Secretary for Relations with States, Archbishop Dominique Mamberti. During the cordial discussions, satisfaction was expressed for the good existing bilateral relations, and the Parties focused on various questions of common interest, especially in relation to the life of the Catholic community in Russia, revealing the fundamental contribution of Christianity in society. In this context, mention was made of the critical situation faced by Christians in some regions of the world, as well as the defense of and promotion of values regarding the dignity of the person, and the protection of human life and the family.” Deacon Keith A. Fournier, “Fatima and the Conversion of Russia: Pope Francis Meets President Putin.” Catholic Online, November 28, 2013

Notice the discussion included the “critical situation faced by Christians in some regions of the world.” It is therefore not surprising that such a concern would arise in the discussion between the Pope and Vladimir Putin. Deacon Fournier continues his article this way.

“I wrote an article on the selection of Patriarch Kirill as the 16th Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia in 2009. This was the first election of a Patriarch since the fall of the atheist Communist regime which governed the former Soviet Union for so many years. I said it was a sign of the revitalization of the ancient Christian faith in a critical time in history. The resurgence of Christianity in Russia under the leadership of the Patriarch has proven that observation to have been an accurate one.” Deacon Keith A. Fournier, “Fatima and the Conversion of Russia: Pope Francis Meets President Putin.” Catholic Online, November 28, 2013

So now we see clearly how the view of Russia’s conversion has already been established in the minds of many. This is why Russia is being perceived as a power to redeem Christian values in the world. If, however you understand who Patriarch Kirill is and what he believes, you get a clearer sense of where Russia is moving. Listen to how Deacon Fournier describes the Patriarch.


“Patriarch Kirill is a champion of the authentic Orthodox Christian Tradition and a stalwart defender of the doctrine of the ancient Christian Faith of the First Millennium - before the first split in the Church occurred. He has been outspoken in his concern over the moral decline in Russian, European and broader western culture. He is also doing something about it - by leading a resurgence of Christianity and a new missionary undertaking to Russian culture.” Deacon Keith A. Fournier, “Fatima and the Conversion of Russia: Pope Francis Meets President Putin.” Catholic Online, November 28, 2013

Notice the highlighted portion of the above paragraph! Patriarch Kirill is a champion and stalwart defender of the doctrine of the ancient Faith of the First Millennium, BEFORE the first split in the church between the West and the East. That ancient faith refers to the original shared faith between the western and eastern Catholics. His goal will therefore be to bring these two elements together again. But beyond just restoring the unity of these two groups, the objective stretches far beyond. Listen to the following.


“Patriarch Kirill has offered a voice of clarity and authority to the growing Catholic and Orthodox critique of the decline of moral values and the hostility of the contemporary culture toward the Church. He openly decries the growing rejection of Christian influence throughout the world. He warns of the dangers that such a rejection present to civilization and authentic freedom. He calls Orthodox Christians to be actively involved in reclaiming the culture with the values informed by the ancient faith.” Deacon Keith A. Fournier, “Fatima and the Conversion of Russia: Pope Francis Meets President Putin.” Catholic Online, November 28, 2013

Reclaiming the culture, as far as the catholic amalgamation is concerned, would mean the restoration of the control of society as it had been in catholic control in former years. Using the governmental structures of both the United State and Russia to accomplish this will prove to be a primary means to accomplish this goal. This hidden agenda will also prove to be the missing link.

Cameron A. Bowen

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