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“What is called public opinion is the basis of all our lawmaking. If public opinion is wholesome and intelligent, we may reasonably expect wholesome and beneficent laws. If, through ignorance or the dissemination of untruthful information, public opinion becomes misguided or perverted, the effect is shown in our laws; for our lawmakers are expected to obey the express wishes of a majority of the people.

If the people are misled, as has been known to happen, they may demand and obtain legislation that is not only dangerous to their interests but destructive of the very agencies that should defend their rights and preserve their liberties; for a law may be very bad in its application, and at the same time constitutional. the people's great bulwark against oppression and injustice, the Supreme Court of the United states, cannot make laws. It can only interpret them. The responsibility for bad laws usually rests upon misinformation spread among the people.” (Benjamin Dulaney, Caesar’s Tax, 1924, p.24-25)

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