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The Register-Mail
Thomas Mosher
Tue, October 11, 2022 at 12:19 PM·2 min read

Editor, Register-Mail: There are churches throughout America that ignore or accept immorality in society. They are becoming more like the godless secular society around them. These churches will not escape God's judgment. Their lamps have been hidden, their salt is tasteless. They are of no use to our God. They have compromised with the culture's perversities. They are "aborting" their Christian faith. They are no longer the light or the salt of the earth.

Churches that compromise with the gay lifestyle and abortion are rapidly in decay. Churches are on their way to destroying themselves as they compromise in these areas. They are full of contradictions of God's word. If Christian denominations continue to compromise they will not be in existence very long. Our creator wants us to not only profess our faith but to live it as well. We cannot compromise with immorality. Scripture relates that lukewarm Christians will be spewed out of our God's mouth.

We are to be the body of Christ and are encouraged scripturally to meet together for spiritual and biblical uplifting, not secular compromising. Our nation was indeed founded on biblical values. It was not founded on socialism, Marxism, communism, atheism, or humanism, although that is the direction the ungodly are taking us. Biblical salt enhances the thirst for God's word and is a preservative that holds back the decay of the culture's immorality and evil. We are to abide with secular society's mores only when they are in agreement with the Gospel message.

Side note: Our hypocritical president, who professes to be a devout Catholic, uses the "F" bomb quite often, supports abortion, and compromises with those whose votes he wants to garner for himself and his cohorts. Many people who profess to be Christian support what the Bible tells us are abominations to our God. That is called hypocrisy, but that is what hypocrites and compromisers do. — Thomas Mosher, Victoria

This article originally appeared on Galesburg Register-Mail: LETTER: Churches must not compromise their Biblical faith

LETTER: Churches must not compromise their Biblical faith (yahoo.com)

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