September 14, 2015:

What's Behind Rome's Hostility to the US Constitution? Freedom Obstructs the Road to World Dominion

Friday, June 27, 2014 11:33 / By Dr Richard Ruhling

Dr. Richard Ruhling,
is a retired physician who taught Health Science at Loma Linda University after receiving his Cardiology Fellowship and board-certification in Internal Medicine.

“Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” In the Holy Roman Empire, Europe's kings bowed to the pope, but conservative historians estimate 50-100 million were martyred for heresy, believing the Bible which says, “Call no man Father...who can forgive sins but God?” Matthew 23:9; Mark 2:7.

Martin Luther protested Rome's abuses. Gutenberg's invention for printing changed everything as Bibles became available to be read by common people. Rome's kingdom had a “deadly wound by the sword,” Rev 13:3. The “sword” is the Word of God, Heb 4:12.

 Early Americans who fled the papal oppression for freedom in the New World saw the papacy as represented by the political cartoon in Rev 13:1-10. It was an amalgamation of the four kingdoms in Daniel 7 which assimilated the characteristics of each previous empire. The beast representing the papacy had a mouth like a lion, feet of a bear, looked like a leopard but had the total of 7 heads and 10 horns from those in Daniel 7.

For two centuries, Rome’s cunning has focused on bringing down what God was doing to make America great in contrast to every Catholic nation in Latin America. Though colonized at the same time as America, the church did nothing for their illiteracy and it kept them in poverty while high above every town in Latin American is a Catholic Church with images made of gold from the poor people, and now the pope wants to redistribute wealth! Let them sell the gold—the 2nd Commandment forbids images anyway, Exodus 20:4.

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Pope Francis Calls For A New Global Political Authority To Save Humanity

Tyler Durden


Pope Francis says that global warming is a fact and that a new global political authority is necessary in order to save humanity from utter disaster.  The new encyclical that was scheduled to be released on Thursday has been leaked, and it is being reported that this new global political authority that Pope Francis envisions would be in charge of “the reduction of pollution and the development of poor countries and regions”.

This radical new agenda is already being called “Agenda 21 on steroids” because it goes so much farther than Agenda 21 ever did.  The new UN agenda does not just address the environment – it also addresses issues such as poverty, agriculture, education and gender equality.  It is essentially a blueprint for governing the entire planet, and that sounds very much like what Pope Francis also wants.  In fact, Pope Francis is going to give the speech that kicks off the UN conference in September where this new sustainable agenda will be launched.  For some reason, this Pope has decided to make the fight against climate change the central pillar of his papacy, and he is working very hard to unite as much of humanity as possible to get behind that effort.

It is not an accident that this new encyclical is coming out now.  An article from The Guardian even states that the release was intended “to have maximum public impact” prior to the Pope’s major speech at the UN in September.

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Global Media To Broadcast Pope Francis New World Order Agenda On 24-Hour Cable Channel

Submitted by IWB, on September 7th, 2015 / by Geoffrey Grider

COMMENT: Notice what
Honduran Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga has to say about the Pope’s wish. It would truly have been something, had he gotten his wish and crossed the Mexican Border!

Time Warner Cable is unveiling a 24-hour channel devoted to Pope Francis’ impending visit to the U.S., which will broadcast to 15 million households from Sept. 20 through Sept. 27. It will be available for most subscribers on Channel 199, and also online and on the TWC News app,

As he travels all over the world, at each stop he is building his political power base, using Vatican influence to grant favors, and seducing gullible American Christians back into the tent of the Harlot herself, Mother Rome. Even Chrislam founder Rick Warren calls Francis “our pope”. On September 23, Pope Francis will make his boldest move yet when he addresses Congress. A feat never been done by any pope in the entire history of the United States.

Honduran Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga, a top adviser to Francis, told an audience at Georgetown University, that Francis would have liked to enter the U.S. by crossing the border with Mexico to make a point about welcoming immigrants, not building walls to keep them out. He said that while time did not allow for a border stopover, the pontiff was certain to raise the issue on Capitol Hill.

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Bank Caught Using Fake Gold As Reserve Capital In Russia

Tyler Durden

COMMENT: How many more banks might be up to this?

Over the past several years, incidents involving fake gold (usually in the form of gold-plated tungsten) have emerged every so often, usually involving Manhattan's jewerly district, some of Europe's bigger gold foundries, or the occasional billion dealer. But never was fake gold actually discovered in the form monetary gold, held by a bank as reserve capital and designed to fool bank regulators of a bank's true financial state. This changed on Friday when Russia's "Admiralty" Bank, which had its banking license revoked last week by Russia's central bank, was reportedly using gold-plated metal as part of its "gold reserves."

Finally, what does this mean for gold itself, whose price on one hand is sliding with every passing day, even as it increasingly appears there is a major global physical shortage. If the Admiralty bank's fraud is found to be pervasive, what will happen to physical gold demand as more banks are forced to buy the yellow metal in the open market to avoid being shuttered and/or prison time for the executives?

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