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TimeWatch Editorial
October 31, 2016

In the book entitled “Caesar's Commentaries on the Gallic and Civil wars” published in the year 1872, in chapter 18 of book 6 on page 150 is stated the following description of the Druids.

“All the Gauls assert that they are descended from the god Dis, and say that this tradition has been handed down by the Druids. For that reason they compute the divisions of every season, not by the number of days, but of nights; they keep birth-days and the beginnings of months and years in such an order that the day follows the night. Among the other usages of their life, they differ in this from almost all other nations, that they do not permit their children to approach them openly until they are grown up so as to be able to bear the service of war; and they regard it as indecorous for a son of boyish age to stand in public in the presence of his father.” “Caesar's Commentaries on the Gallic and Civil wars” published by Harper and Brothers, 329-331 Pearl Street, New York, 1872

Now as must be explained, the God Dis was the god of the dead. His entire name was Dis Pater, but often used in the shortened version Dis. November 1 was the beginning of the Celtic New Year, and because of this they believed that October 31 the night before the beginning of the year was the time when they would have the greatest opportunity to communicate with the dead so that they might receive great power and wisdom. They therefore utilized this night for sacrifices, both human and animal, and a vast array of witchcraft. Notice how the Encyclopedia Britannia describes Samhain.

“Samhain , (Celtic: “End of Summer”) also spelled Samain, in ancient Celtic religion , one of the most important and sinister calendar festivals of the year. At Samhain, held on November 1, the world of the gods was believed to be made visible to humankind, and the gods played many tricks on their mortal worshippers; it was a time fraught with danger, charged with fear, and full of supernatural episodes. Sacrifices and propitiations of every kind were thought to be vital, for without them the Celts believed they could not prevail over the perils of the season or counteract the activities of the deities. Samhain was an important precursor to Halloween .” Encyclopedia Britannica

But William J. Schnoebelen in his published article entitled “Shocking Facts about Halloween” provides an even more direct testimony concerning the events that occur even today. Chick Publications website provides a detailed biography of Schnoebelen. He was raised in a devout Catholic home, and he determined to get all that God had for him through the Catholic Church. At age 5, he decided to become a priest. However, between the changes of the Vatican II council and the hypocrisy of many of the clergy he encountered in college, he began to seek in other paths. Due partially to the influence of liberal professors at the minor seminary, he studied spiritualism, ESP and ultimately white witchcraft. By the time he had his bachelor's degree, he was a full-fledged witch (Wiccan). Listen to how he opens his article.

“As a former witch high priest now saved by Jesus, I was astonished by how many Christians let their kids celebrate Halloween. Some churches even sponsor "haunted houses" and similar events on what is the Number One satanic "helliday" of the year. Halloween used to be called Samhain, and is still celebrated as an ancient pagan festival of the dead by witches all over the world. Unfortunately, just giving the date a "holy" name like All Hallows' Eve or All Saints' Eve cannot change its grisly character. Halloween is an occasion when the ancient gods (actually demons) are worshiped with human sacrifice. The apostle Paul warns us: "But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils" (1 Cor. 10:20).” William J. Schnoebelen, Shocking Facts about Halloween”

His treatment of the History of Halloween is very compelling. Regarding human sacrifice he says the following.

“By 47 A.D., Rome finally defeated the Druids in England and outlawed human sacrifices. The few remaining Druids went underground. Today a growing group of people claiming to be of direct Druid descent still practice their religion, including human sacrifice. Those in England still perform ceremonies at Stonehenge. The founding fathers of America refused to permit the holiday to be observed because they knew it was a pagan holiday. Halloween was not widely celebrated in the U.S. until about 1900. In the 1840's there was a terrible potato famine in Ireland which sent thousands of Catholic Irish to America. They brought Halloween with them.” William J. Schnoebelen, Shocking Facts about Halloween”

But William J. Schnoebelen’s analysis of Halloween does not end there, he further states that each one of the apparently harmless practices engaged in today have a profound meaning that is overlooked by those who refuse to be informed concerning what exactly they are engaged in. listen to what else he has to say.

“The modern custom of going from door to door asking for food and candy goes back to the time of the Druids. They believed that sinful, lost souls were released upon the earth by Samhain for one night on October 31st while they awaited their judgment. They were thought to throng about the houses of the living and were greeted with banquet-laden tables. People greatly feared these spirits and thought that the spirits would harm and even kill them if the sacrifices they gave did not appease Samhain. They carved demonic faces into pumpkins or large turnips, placing a candle in them to keep the evil spirits away from their homes.” William J. Schnoebelen, Shocking Facts about Halloween”

There is much more that can be said but I do believe that the picture is clear. We are involved n something that has been made to appear innocent fun. The father of lies is fully aware of the impact of our engaging in such worship, regardless of whether or not we intend to do so.

Time to awake!

Cameron A. Bowen