The Hand of Rome – Part 1

TimeWatch Editorial
October 10, 2016

AMERICA The National Catholic Review, published on July 15, 2016 an article entitled Mike Pence’s Relationship with the Catholic Church is...Complicated.” Michael O'Loughlin was author of that article and there is interesting detail concerning some of the differences that exist between the Republican Vice-Presidential Candidate and Catholic Charities and their agenda. Now of course these differences are within the boundaries of a shared fundamental conservative belief system. As is clearly defined in the Dr. Jay Michaelson article published on October 3, 2016 on the Daily Beast website, the vice presidential debate was a showdown between two very unconventional Catholics. Dr. Michaelson’s description is quite revealing as he says the following.

“Kaine, as is well known, is a progressive Catholic whose focus on the church’s social gospel was sharpened during a year’s mission in Latin America. But while media coverage of Indiana Governor Mike Pence has tended to depict him as a standard right-wing conservative Christian, this label belies the complexity of his own spiritual journey.” Dr. Jay Michaelson, Mike Pence, Postmodern Evangelical Catholic Conservative, The Daily Beast Website, October 3, 2016

These men therefore, each represent the liberal and the conservative branches of Catholicism. The fact that they have been chosen, reveals the true power that rests beneath the surface. But what is even more revealing is the article originally referred to in this Editorial. That article was authored by Michael O'Loughlin entitled Mike Pence’s Relationship with the Catholic Church is...Complicated.” The article opens up this way.

“Late last year, Catholic Charities agencies in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis did something it has done thousands of times before in its 40-year history: It resettled a refugee family. Catholic Charities staff helped find housing, provided medical care, enrolled the family members in English classes and introduced them to the basics of living in a new culture.”
Michael O'Loughlin, Mike Pence’s Relationship with the Catholic Church is...Complicated.” July 15, 2016

Now of course, the first thing that is worthy of notice in the opening paragraph is the fact that it is Catholic Charities that has “thousands of time before in its 40-year history … helped find housing, provided medical care, enrolled the family members in English classes and introduced them to the basics of living in a new culture.” However at no time have those who object to the taking in of refugees once mentioned Catholic Charities as the vehicle of transfer. This is in itself an amazing fact, given the number of individuals that have been brought into the country by Catholic institutions. Leo Hohmann, writing for the World Net Daily WND website on July 16, 2014 says the following:

“Catholic Charities is running a fundraising campaign to help finance the resettlement of the illegal aliens, WND reported. But the religious charities get the bulk of their funding not from private donors or church members putting checks into a basket. They get it from the federal government. Alexandria, Va.-based Catholic Charities USA reported receiving $1.7 million in government grants in 2012, according to its IRS Form 990. But one of the largest recipients of government funds to resettle immigrant children is the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. The USCCB helps resettle not only unaccompanied alien children, or UACs, who enter the country illegally but also refugees fleeing persecution overseas who enter through legal channels.” Leo Hohmann, Religious 'charities' profit from open borders, World Net Daily WND website July 16, 2014

This is not a new revelation, but for some reason it has been consistently overlooked. Why? Because the real agenda of the papacy is to fill the voting precincts of the United States with those who are beholding to them so that they might ultimately gain control of the country. In Charles Chiniquy’s book entitled “Fifty Years in the Church of Rome” on page 669, there was a meeting convened of Catholic Priests in Buffalo New York in the year 1852. D'Arcy McGee, then editor of The Freeman's Journal, official Journal of the Bishop of New York, had a plan to resettle Irish Catholics in the fertile lands of the west of the growing United States, after bringing them into the country. He was met with opposition from the Priests who had another agenda of where the Irish Catholics should be settled. Here is their stated agenda:

“Silently and patiently, we must mass our Roman Catholics in the great cities of the United States, remembering that the vote of a poor journeyman, though he be covered with rags, has as much weight in the scale of power as the millionaire Astor, and that if we have two votes against his one, he will become as powerless as an oyster. Let us then multiply our votes;; let us call our poor but faithful Irish Catholics from every corner of the world, and gather them into the very hearts of those proud citadels which the Yankees are so rapidly building under the names of Washington, New York, Boston, Chicago, Buffalo, Albany, Troy, Cincinnati, etc. Under the shadows of those great cities, the Americans consider themselves a giant and unconquerable race. They look upon the poor Irish Catholic people with supreme contempt, as only fit to dig their canals, sweep their streets and work in their kitchens. Let no one awake those sleeping lions, today. Let us pray God that they may sleep and dream their sweet dreams, a few years more. How sad will their awakening be, when with our out-numbering votes, we will turn them forever, from every position of honor, power and profit?” Charles Chiniquy, “Fifty Years in the Church of Rome,” page 669

The above stated agenda is serious enough! But the rest of the stated agenda is almost prophetic in its accuracy.

“What will those hypocritical and godless sons and daughters of the fanatical Pilgrim Fathers say, when not a single judge, not a single teacher, not a single policeman, will be elected if he be not a devoted Irish Roman Catholic? What will those so-called giants think of their matchless shrewdness and ability, when not a single Senator or member of congress will be chosen, if he be not submitted to our holy father the Pope! What a sad figure those Protestant Yankees will cut when we will not only elect the President, but fill and command the armies, man the navies and hold the keys of the public treasury? It will then be time for our faithful Irish people to give up their grog shops, in order to become the judges and governors of the land.”
Charles Chiniquy, “Fifty Years in the Church of Rome,” page 669 "

How prophetic it is that the objective of controlling the judges, the Senators, the Congress and the White House is still the goal. Remember, the meeting quoted above was held in Buffalo New York in the year 1852, 164 years ago. Rome never changes.

Cameron A. Bowen

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