An Unexpected Path

TimeWatch Editorial
August 24, 2016

It is certainly surprising to discover the number of leading Evangelicals who today, at this very moment have stated their support for the Republican Candidate for the Presidency of the United States. This support has been carefully crafted, using the specific promise that if elected, they will receive that which they have longed for; access to management of the political system, openly and directly. Brian Tashman, in an article of his published on Thursday, 8/11/2016, informs us that the Republican Candidate…

“Told a meeting of right-wing pastors today that, church attendance has declined in America “and a lot of it has to do with the fact that you’ve been silenced.” “You’ve been silenced like a child has been silenced,” he told the pastors at an Orlando event organized by the American Renewal Project, making the bogus claim that pastors are barred from addressing political issues. “Your power has been totally taken away.” He then expressed dismay that people don’t even know about the existence of Sunday school: “I mean Christianity, when you think of what’s happening and you look at the numbers, I talk about Sunday school and people don’t even know what I’m talking about anymore, it’s true, they don’t even know what I’m talking about.” “We’re gonna bring it back because it’s a good thing, it’s a good thing,” he said. “They treat it like it’s a bad thing but it’s a great thing, not a good thing, it’s a great thing.” Brian Tashman, “Church Attendance Will Rise When I'm President.” Right Wing Watch Website, Thursday, 8/11/2016

Kyle Mantyla, the day before Brian Tashman’s article published an article in which he quoted David Barton writing for the Right Wing Watch Website. The Free Encyclopedia describes David Barton as an evangelical Christian political activist and author. He is the founder of WallBuilders, LLC, a Texas-based organization that promotes unorthodox views about the religious basis of the United States. David Barton is quoted as saying the following:

“Last night, My Faith Votes, the Religious Right effort overseen by Ben Carson that seeks to mobilize millions of Christians to vote in 2016, hosted another teleforum, this one featuring Religious Right activist and pseudo-historian David Barton, who told participants that they will answer to God if they fail to vote for Donald Trump. Barton ran a pro-Ted Cruz super PAC during the Republican primary, but quickly shifted his support to Trump once it was clear that he would be the GOP nominee, even going so far as to declare that Trump is obviously "God's guy" in this election. As such, it came as no surprise to hear Barton tell caller after caller last night that Christians must vote for Trump and will have to answer to God if they don't.” Kyle Mantyla, David Barton: Christians Who Refuse To Vote For Donald Trump Will Have To Answer To God.” Right Wing Watch Website, Wednesday, 8/10/2016

Then there is another article by Brian Tashman entitled “Pat Robertson: Satan Inspires Liberals To Lie About Donald Trump” also published on Wednesday, 8/10/2016

“Today on “The 700 Club,” Pat Robertson defended GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump over his recent comment that if Hillary Clinton is elected president, nothing could be done to prevent her and her judicial nominees from doing away with gun rights unless “Second Amendment people” stop them. Robertson blamed liberal monitoring groups for the uproar, alleging that they twisted Trump’s remarks, before he himself went ahead and altered Trump’s remarks to make them more benign.” Brian Tashman, “Pat Robertson: Satan Inspires Liberals To Lie About Donald Trump” Right Wing Watch Website, Wednesday, 8/10/2016

For those of you who are not acquainted with Pat Robertson, the Free Encyclopedia describes him as an American media mogul, executive chairman, and a former Southern Baptist minister, who generally supports conservative Christian ideals. He presently serves as chancellor and CEO of Regent University and chairman of the Christian Broadcasting Network. But what is profoundly amazing is the fact that many more religious conservative leaders and public figures have taken a similar position.

Lance Wallnau, a Seven Mountains Dominionists who has been a leading Christian conservative apologist. The Generals International Website says the following about the Seven Mountains: In 1975, Bill Bright, founder of Campus Crusade and Loren Cunningham, founder of Youth With a Mission, developed a God-given, world-changing strategy. Their mandate: Bring Godly change to a nation by reaching its seven spheres, or mountains, of societal influence. They concluded that in order to truly transform any nation with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, these seven facets of society must be reached: Religion, Family, Education, Government, Media, Arts & Entertainment and Business. Miranda Blue in her article entitled: “Lance Wallnau: Trump Can Help Stop Satan From Taking Control Of The Seven Mountains,” published on Thursday, 8/18/2016 on the Right Wing Watch Website, says the following.

“Wallnau told Strang how he thinks Trump, by being a “wrecking ball” to political correctness, could help Christian conservatives regain control of cultural institutions that are currently occupied by Satan. Seven Mountains Dominionists hold that conservative Christians must battle Satan for control of the seven main institutions, or mountains, of culture: religion, family, education, government, media, arts and entertainment, and business. Christians, he said, are faced with a “cultural landscape” of “burning cities, race challenges, the sensitivity of our bathrooms, and transgender issues.” all the result of losing the culture war and handing these cultural institutions over to liberals.” Miranda Blue, “Lance Wallnau: Trump Can Help Stop Satan From Taking Control Of The Seven Mountains,” Right Wing Watch Website, Thursday, 8/18/2016

This is merely the tip of the iceberg. The fulfillment of the prophetic pronouncement, regardless of the unexpected direction of its advance is sure. Be warned.

Cameron A. Bowen

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