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Creeping Compromise?

TimeWatch Editorial
August 09, 2016

Joe Crews was born in the year1924. Amazing Facts was founded in 1965 by him in Baltimore, Maryland. He was the founder, speaker and director of Amazing Facts for nearly 30 years and was a dynamic radio and TV personality. His powerful and straightforward sermons set the pace for other media-based ministries. He died on October 10, in the year 1994. One of his books that is well remembered is “Creeping Compromise.” It is a small book, with less than a hundred pages and yet, powerful and all encompassing. His introductory paragraph gets right to the point.

“The subject of Christian standards is probably one of the most neglected doctrines in the modern church. Very little is in print today that can provide even elementary instruction in this vital area. Only a few small books or tracts have attempted to deal with the basic and practical principles which should distinguish the Christian life from that of the world. The reason for this reluctance to write on these specifics of Christian conduct probably rests upon two fears: First, the fear of offending the rather large majority of church members who are living far below the biblical standard and second, the fear of being labeled as judgmental, legalistic, holier-than-thou, and lacking in the personal, love-relationship with Christ.” Joe Crews, Amazing Facts, page 2

The bravery and frankness with which Crews approaches the subject is admirable, especially given the fact that, for the most part those who should be speaking boldly in this subject, those in leadership positions, have remained silent. Philosophical arguments have been developed as an excuse for not articulating the requirements of God’s Word. Our worship is void of the accompanying demonstration of the lifestyle that validates our intellectually expressed position.

“Satan has exploited the vocal, fanatical views of a very few and has used them to intimidate those who would write temperately on the subject. And too often, in his special hatred of this truth, Satan has caused many in the church to look upon any discussion of Christian standards as extremist and improper. These factors have combined to create a dearth of material on this subject. For this reason, if for no other, a tremendous need exists for educating the church on balanced biblical principles of conduct--principles that conflict in no way with the concepts of righteousness by faith which should underlie the lifestyle of every true Christian.” Joe Crews, Amazing Facts, page 2

So how exactly has the standard been changed? It is one thing to rebel against a point of view, but to completely change the standard is another thing entirely. Listen to how Joe Crews describes the tools used.

“The world today is in an incredible state of flux and change. Traditional views and values have been altered and almost reversed within a relatively short time. Under the numbing influence of television and the highly mobile electronic media, minds have been manipulated, thought patterns set up, and decisions dictated. And most of the millions so influenced are almost oblivious to the powerful artificial agencies which were used to change their minds and their morals. There is no question whatsoever that Satan is pulling the strings and directing the subtle forces which are designed to destroy us spiritually. Under the hypnotizing influence of these forces, Christian minds have been just as successfully brainwashed as those of the most unregenerate sinner.” Joe Crews, Amazing Facts, page 3

I hear you say, yes but that certainly does not affect me. I can control my circumstances. That might apply to others who do not understand the truth. Others might say, you have been too extreme in your views, God does not require all that you think he does; he understands that times change and he is able to deal with the changes. Let me suggest to you that Malachi 3 and verse 6 is crystal clear, “I am the Lord I change not.” Perhaps instead of providing room for excuses we should seek the solution to the problem.

“Our only safety is to recognize the clever camouflages of the enemy. A thousand disguised death traps have been planted all around us. Almost imperceptibly our thinking has been affected by what we see and hear. Spiritual convictions have softened and disappeared altogether. The fine sensitivity to sin has been blunted by incessant exposure to the apparent innocent influences of our baited society.” Joe Crews, Amazing Facts, page 3

To recognize the clever camouflages of the enemy will require the assistance of the Holy Spirit, guiding the life step by step, day by day.

“We stand or fall not because of the force of temptation, but by the deliberate action of the mind to obey the truth or reject it. The influence of provocative dress habitually prevails over the mind which is not fortified with the Holy Spirit. To reject that light is to reject the work of the Holy Spirit, who inspired the writings. And though we cannot measure degrees of guilt in those who had no light on this subject, we cannot be guiltless if we flaunt the very message which is sent from God to make us a holy and healthy people.” Joe Crews, Amazing Facts, page 51

So put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

Cameron A. Bowen