A Neo-Ottoman Empire

TimeWatch Editorial
July 20, 2016

John Hayward on the 21st of April 2016 wrote an article on the BREIBART Website entitled: Kurdish Opposition Leader: Turkey’s Erdogan ‘Wants a Caliphate" in which he said the following:

“On Tuesday, Germany’s 
Der Spiegel published a lengthy interview with Selahattin Demirtas, leader of the Kurd-aligned HDP Party of Turkey. Demirtas leveled some serious allegations against Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, saying the Kurds stood in the way of Erdogan’s creating an Islamic State-style (ISIS/ISIL) “Caliphate” of his own, and warning that Erdogan’s war against the Kurds could make the already-fearsome refugee crisis in Europe even worse.”John Hayward , BREIBART Website, Kurdish Opposition Leader: Turkey’s Erdogan ‘Wants a Caliphate’ 21st of April 2016

The Kurdish Opposition Leader is not the only writer to come to that conclusion.
Walid Shoebat on the Shoebat website, on May 2nd, 2016 wrote an article entitled: Erdogan Of Turkey Wants To Establish A Caliphate Muslim League And A Muslim One World Government” in which he says:

“Turkey’s changes to the constitution are causing quite a stir in Turkey. Parliament’s constitutional committee was meeting to discuss a government-backed proposal to strip MPs of their immunity broke into violence. Erdogan is preparing the people for a Caliphate system. An opinion poll, conducted by “Mac” Foundation now shows an overwhelming majority (89%) want to lift the parliamentary immunity of MPs. This means that the Kurdish party (HDP) could be accused of ‘terrorism’ for simply supporting Kurdish nationalism while Erdogan last week spoke to the Arab league complaining why it is “Arab” that it all should be a “Muslim” one world government.”
Walid Shoebat, May 2nd, 2016, Erdogan Of Turkey Wants To Establish A Caliphate Muslim League And A Muslim One World Government”

So it is clear that those who attempted to stop Erdogan with the attempted coup recognized his plan to reestablish a new Ottoman Empire. As a matter of fact,
Adnan R. Khan , on June 5, 2016, on the McClean’s Website says exactly that in the article entitled: Resurrecting the Ottoman Empire Turkey’s election will be a pivotal, possibly dangerous moment for a country with big ambitions and an increasingly authoritarian leader” says:

On the scale of modern day commemorations, the May 30 celebrations marking the 562nd anniversary of the conquest of Istanbul by Ottoman Turks were truly epic. Crowds estimated in the hundreds of thousands converged on an open field on the outskirts of the city, where they were treated to jet planes streaking overhead, trailing red and white smoke, the colors of the Turkish flag. An Ottoman-era marching band led a 478-member honor guard, dressed in traditional Ottoman uniforms, in a strut past a stage that would make a U2 concert look like little more than a backyard jam.”Adnan R. Khan ,on June 5, 2016,Resurrecting the Ottoman Empire Turkey’s election will be a pivotal, possibly dangerous moment for a country with big ambitions and an increasingly authoritarian leader”

Now that the coup has failed, Erdogan is now making sure that there will be no future obstacles to his plans.
Suzan Fraser And Dominique Soguel, in “Tensions With West Rise as Turkey Continues Purge” Associated Press, Ankara, Turkey — July 18, 2016, 10:30 PM, says:

The purging of thousands of alleged plotters of a failed coup raised tensions Monday between Turkey and the West, with U.S. and European officials urging restraint, while Ankara insisted that Washington extradite an exile accused of orchestrating the plot. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan refused to rule out bringing back the death penalty, telling the U.S. cable TV station CNN in an interview via a government translator, "There is a clear crime of treason." He added that it would be up to parliament to decide. As Western officials expressed alarm at the rapid roundup of so many by their key NATO ally, Turkish government officials explained that the plotters in the military had been under investigation and launched their ill-planned operation out of panic. The swift move against so many reflected the prior investigation, the government said. It alleged the coup conspirators were loyal to moderate cleric Fethullah Gulen, a former Erdogan ally who lives in exile in Saylorsburg, Pennsylvania, and espouses a philosophy that blends a mystical form of Islam with democracy.”By Suzan Fraser And Dominique Soguel, “Tensions With West Rise as Turkey Continues Purge” Associated Press, Ankara, Turkey — July 18, 2016, 10:30 PM

Erdogan is insistent. Regardless of what any other nation might say, his persistence is without restraint.

“The Turkish government on Tuesday escalated its wide-ranging crackdown against people it claims have ties to plotters of last week's attempted coup, firing tens of thousands of public employees across the country. The dismissals touched every aspect of government life. Turkish media, in rapid-fire reports, said the Ministry of Education fired 15,200 people across the country; the Interior Ministry 8,777 employees; and Turkey's Board of Higher Education requested the resignation of 1,577 university deans — akin to dismissing them. In addition, 257 people working at the office of the prime minister were dismissed and the Directorate of Religious Affairs announced it had sacked 492 staff including clerics, preachers and religious teachers. Turkey's Family and Social Policy Ministry said it dismissed 393 personnel.”
Dominique Soguel And Suzan Fraser, “Turkey Fires Tens of Thousands in Coup Plotters” Hunt, Associated Press, Jul 19, 2016, 3:20 PM ET

“The firings come on top of the roughly 9,000 people who have been detained by the government, including security personnel, judges, prosecutors, religious figures and others. Turkey's state-run Anadolu news agency said courts have ordered 85 generals and admirals jailed pending trial over their suspected roles in the coup attempt. Dozens of others were still being questioned. Critics of the government were also targeted for their social media postings. At least two people were reportedly arrested for insulting Erdogan on social media, while one also praised the coup.”
Dominique Soguel And Suzan Fraser, “Turkey Fires Tens of Thousands in Coup Plotters” Hunt, Associated Press, Jul 19, 2016, 3:20 PM ET

Is it not amazing that every nation today engaged in a conflict of some sort has its beginnings in the Word of God. the Ottoman Empire will not rise again but the desire of some to see it rise yet remains.

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