The Nation that Rules

TimeWatch Editorial
July 07, 2016

For some time not there has been this expressed opinion that China has or will surpass the United States in economic dominance. We have in a previous editorial demonstrated that the growth of the Chinese economy cannot be compared with the dominance of the US economy. In our April 19, 2016 editorial entitled “The Second Beast” we quoted a Time Magazine article of May 28, 2015

“China’s economy is growing at an impressive rate. But it’s not just the size of an economy that matters—it’s also the quality. According to the World Bank, GDP per capita in the US was $53,042 in 2013; in China it was just $6,807. In other words, little of China’s dramatic economic growth is finding its way into the pockets of Chinese consumers—the byproduct of an economy driven by massive state-owned enterprises rather than private industry. China’s headline growth may be higher, but it’s the U.S. economy that’s allowing its citizens to grow along with it.” Ian Bremmer, Time Magazine, These Are The Five Reasons Why The US Remains The World’s Only Super Power.” Time Magazine on May 28, 2015    

Further validation of the Time Magazine analysis is found in the Business Insider article dated July. 4, 2015, entitled 16 charts that illustrate America's global dominance” written by Andy Kiersz. The first chart compares the economies of the 50 states to independent countries.

countriees with similar gdp

For your convenience we have placed the map of the states so that you might more easily identify them.

us map

Since it would be time consuming to reproduce all of the maps listed in the Business Insider article, perhaps a few more might make the point. Let’s compare the world’s stock markets.

ten largest stock market

We tend to think of these markets as equal in size and effect. The truth of the matter is that the impact of a collapse of the American markets would be absolutely devastating globally.

Next we look at the largest companies in the world, and their countries of residence. It of course will not be difficult to recognize the American companies from the chart.

largest companies in the world

Finally, a look at the 100 largest companies in the world is also revealing. Especially since a number of America companies have moved their operations overseas, to take advantage of lower employment costs. So that though the chart reveals the number of the largest companies in the world, what is not included is the number of smaller American Operations that are located in other countries

100 large companies

The Biblical identification of the United States as the second beast of Revelation 13 is therefore validated beyond question. Verse 17 which threatens that the world will not be allowed to buy or sell except they are willing to receive the identifier of the First Beast, is clearly an accurate description of the time to come. We need to be ready.

Cameron a. Bowen

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