The Missing Element

TimeWatch Editorial
June 07, 2016

The plan of salvation preceded the creation of mankind. God in his foreknowledge provided the path to redemption. Never has He been caught off guard by a single event that has ever taken place in the Universe. But the fact that the plan preceded the creation did not eliminate the pain that sin caused in heaven. In fact, the threat that sin presented, created an element of concern that might surprise you. In the book Early Writings on page 147 Ellen Harmon White says:

“Holy angels often visited the garden, and gave instruction to Adam and Eve concerning their employment and also taught them concerning the rebellion and fall of Satan. The angels warned them of Satan and cautioned them not to separate from each other in their employment, for they might be brought in contact with this fallen foe. The angels also enjoined upon them to follow closely the directions God had given them, for in perfect obedience only were they safe. Then this fallen foe could have no power over them.” {Early Writings, page 147.1}

The motivation of this instruction from Heaven was love and concern. Too often we consider the work done by the Angels as merely instructive and mechanical, but there was genuine concern. The entire Universe was paying attention, and the results of this test of Adam and Eve would have a reverberating impact on all of creation. Starting in the garden, the element of sadness began its evil spread.

“I saw a sadness come over Adam's countenance. He appeared afraid and astonished. A struggle seemed to be going on in his mind. He felt sure that this was the foe against whom they had been warned, and that his wife must die. They must be separated. His love for Eve was strong, and in utter discouragement he resolved to share her fate. He seized the fruit and quickly ate it. Then Satan exulted. He had rebelled in heaven, and had gained sympathizers who loved him and followed him in his rebellion. He had fallen and caused others to fall with him. And he had now tempted the woman to distrust God, to inquire into His wisdom, and to seek to penetrate His all-wise plans. Satan knew that the woman would not fall alone. Adam, through his love for Eve, disobeyed the command of God, and fell with her.” {Early Writings, page 148.1}

Consider the elements involved here. Surrender to deception on the part of Eve. Fear and astonishment on the part of Adam, hatred and exultation on the part of satan. But all this could hardly compare with the elements that resulted from this disobedience in Heaven.

“The news of man's fall spread through heaven. Every harp was hushed. The angels cast their crowns from their heads in sorrow. All heaven was in agitation. A council was held to decide what must be done with the guilty pair. The angels feared that they would put forth the hand, and eat of the tree of life, and become immortal sinners. But God said that He would drive the transgressors from the garden. Angels were immediately commissioned to guard the way of the tree of life. It had been Satan's studied plan that Adam and Eve should disobey God, receive His frown, and then partake of the tree of life, that they might live forever in sin and disobedience, and thus sin be immortalized. But holy angels were sent to drive them out of the garden, and to bar their way to the tree of life. Each of these mighty angels had in his right hand something which had the appearance of a glittering sword.” {Early Writings, page 148.2}

The overlooked element of Love, the driving force of God’s heart being torn apart by the sadness that resulted from the disobedience of Adam and Eve, should never be ignored. The plan, decided upon before the foundation of the world as it was, did not serve to lessen the sorrow that accompanied its implementation.

“Sorrow filled heaven, as it was realized that man was lost, and that world which God had created was to be filled with mortals doomed to misery, sickness, and death, and there was no way of escape for the offender. The whole family of Adam must die. I saw the lovely Jesus and beheld an expression of sympathy and sorrow upon His countenance. Soon I saw Him approach the exceeding bright light which enshrouded the Father. Said my accompanying angel, He is in close converse with His Father. The anxiety of the angels seemed to be intense while Jesus was communing with His Father. Three times He was shut in by the glorious light about the Father, and the third time He came from the Father, His person could be seen. His countenance was calm, free from all perplexity and doubt, and shone with benevolence and loveliness, such as words cannot express. He then made known to the angelic host that a way of escape had been made for lost man. He told them that He had been pleading with His Father, and had offered to give His life a ransom, to take the sentence of death upon Himself, that through Him man might find pardon; that through the merits of His blood, and obedience to the law of God, they could have the favor of God, and be brought into the beautiful garden, and eat of the fruit of the tree of life.” {Early Writings, page 149.2}

The fact that the plan existed, did not make it any easier for the Father to give up his Son. The missing element of love has always been. To this day that love reigns supreme in the heart of the Father. It is expressed in the character of the Son, and placed in our hearts by the work of the Holy Spirit. The pain was real, the love is real and the plan of salvation stands secure.

Cameron A. Bowen


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