Total Control – Part 2

TimeWatch Editorial
May 16, 2016

As we have said in part one of the Total Control Editorial, one of the most important elements of control that has taken possession of today’s society is for the most part overlooked or ignored. That element of control is of course Genetically Modified Organisms.

“The story of the genetic engineering and patenting of plants and other living organisms cannot be understood without looking at the history of the global spread of American power in the decades following World War II. George Kennan, Henry Luce, Averell Harriman and, above all, the four Rockefeller brothers, created the very concept of multinational "agribusiness': They financed the "Green Revolution" in the agriculture sector of developing countries in order, among other things, to create new markets for petro-chemical fertilizers and petroleum products, as well as to expand dependency on energy products. Their actions are an inseparable part of the story of genetically modified crops today.”
Frederick William Engdahl,Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation, page xvi

The first step therefore was to control the science. Once that was accomplished the very next step would be to control the industry.

“By the early years of the new century, it was clear that no more than four giant chemical multinational companies had emerged as global players in the game to control patents on the very basic food products that most people in the world depend on for their daily nutrition-corn, soybeans, rice, wheat, even vegetables and fruits and cotton-as well as new strains of disease-resistant poultry, genetically-modified to allegedly resist the deadly HSNI Bird Flu virus, or even gene altered pigs and cattle. Three of the four private companies had decades-long ties to Pentagon chemical warfare research. The fourth, nominally Swiss, was in reality Anglo dominated. As with oil, so was GMO agribusiness very much an Anglo-American global project.”
Frederick William Engdahl,Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation, page xvi

But obstacles remained. There were countries that were hesitant about the implementation of the new science. Questions were asked that were not being answered. What were the results of testing on humans and the resulting effects, if any, of these genetically modified foods? The answers to those questions were always geared to assure the questioner that everything would be fine. In fact we were told that there was no scientific evidence to support the idea that there might be harm resulting from these products and that they would provide an unlimited amount of food to the world. Yet there were those who resisted.

“In May 2003, before the dust from the relentless US bombing and destruction of Baghdad had cleared, the President of the United States chose to make GMO a strategic issue, a priority in his post-war US foreign policy. The stubborn resistance of the world's second
largest agricultural producer, the European Union, stood as a formidable barrier to the global success of the GMO Project. As long as Germany, France, Austria, Greece and other countries of the European Union steadfastly refused to permit GMO planting for health and scientific reasons, the rest of the world's nations would remain skeptical and hesitant. By early 2006, the World Trade Organization (WTO) had forced open the door of the European Union to the mass proliferation of GMO. It appeared that global success was near at hand for the GMO Project.” Frederick William Engdahl,Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation, page xvii

Mr. Engdahl’s book carefully records the progress of the spread and control of the GMO project. It is indeed worth your attention, especially since the science itself has multiple objectives. First the global control of food resources and second the alteration of the genetic structure of humanity. Hear how Mr. Engdahl sums it up:

“The following pages trace the spread and proliferation of GMO, often through political coercion, governmental pressure, fraud, lies, and even murder. If it reads often like a crime story, that should not be surprising. The crime being perpetrated in the name of agricultural efficiency, environmental friendliness and solving the world hunger problem, carries stakes which are vastly more important to this small elite. Their actions are not solely for money or for profit. After all, these powerful private families decide who controls the Federal Reserve, the Bank of England, the Bank of Japan and even the European Central Bank. Money is in their hands to destroy or create. Their aim is rather, the ultimate control over future life on this planet, a supremacy earlier dictators and despots only ever dreamt of. Left unchecked, the present group behind the GMO Project is between one and two decades away from total dominance of the planet's food capacities. This aspect of the GMO story needs telling. I therefore invite the reader to a careful reading and independent verification or reasoned refutation of what follows.”
Frederick William Engdahl,Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation, page xvii

It is therefore clear that the science is structured to so weaken the resistance that total control will be easily accomplished.

Cameron A. Bowen

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