An Apostolic Visit??

TimeWatch Editorial
March 18, 2016

Pope Benedict XVI visited the United States on the 15th of April, 2008. The visit lasted until the 20th and was described as "The Apostolic Visit to the United States of America and to the Seat of the United Nations." Yes, that was the actual official title of the visit. It was the sixth time that there was an official visit by a Pope to the United States. Prior to Benedict’s visit, Pope John Paul II had visited America in October 17, 1979. He went to Boston, New York, including the United Nations, Philadelphia, Chicago, Des Moines and Washington. In September 10 to 19, 1987, he visited Miami, Columbia, SC, New Orleans, San Antonio, Phoenix, Los Angeles, Monterey, CA, San Francisco and Detroit. August 12 through 15, 1993 he visited Denver for World Youth Day. On October 4 through 8, 1995 he visited Newark, NJ, New York, including the United Nations, Brooklyn, NY and Baltimore. Finally, January 26 and 27 of 1999 he visited St. Louis.

For those not necessarily keeping track, you might have missed the frequency of the visits. Even more important however, would be the significance of the connectivity of the relationship between the Vatican and the United States. The constant and continuous daily connection between the two is often overlooked or unrecognized. But a careful examination of the actions of both systems of government would reveal that since the merging of the relationship between the United States and the Holy See there has always been unity of thought. For instance, let us take a look at the presidency of George W. Bush and his relationship with Benedict XVI. Jennifer Loven, on the Oneida Daily Dispatch wrote an article entitled: “Bush to pick up pope at airport Wednesday,” Posted on 04/14/08.

“Bush has never before given a visiting leader the honor of picking him up at the airport. In fact, no president has done so at Andrews Air Force Base, the typical landing spot for modern leaders. The president explained the special treatment - particularly the airport greeting. "One, he speaks for millions. Two, he doesn't come as a politician; he comes as a man of faith," Bush told the EWTN Global Catholic Network in an interview aired Friday. He added that he wanted to honor Benedict's conviction that "there's right and wrong in life, that moral relativism has a danger of undermining the capacity to have more hopeful and free societies." Jennifer Loven, on the Oneida Daily Dispatch: “Bush to pick up pope at airport Wednesday,” Posted on 04/14/08

His motivation ran much deeper than his answer, however. He had been primed for this relationship. Notice how Malcolm Moore describes it in his article: George W Bush meets Pope amid claims he might convert to Catholicism, posted on 13 Jun 2008 in the Telegraph Newspaper.

“A source close to the Vatican said that Mr Bush was the most "Catholic-minded" president since John F Kennedy, who famously played down his Catholicism. Mr Bush belongs to a Methodist church in Texas and prays at an Episcopal church in Washington. Mr Bush has filled the White House with Catholic speech-writers and consultants and is also thought to have asked a Catholic priest to bless the West Wing.

Before he became president, Karl Rove, his former political adviser, invited Catholic intellectuals to Texas to lecture the candidate on the church's teachings. Mr Bush appointed the Catholic judges Samuel Alito and John Roberts to the Supreme Court.” Malcolm Moore, George W Bush meets Pope amid claims he might convert to Catholicism, posted on 13 Jun 2008, in the Telegraph Newspaper.

In the midst of the controversy regarding that election, between Bush and Al Gore, Malcolm More says that:

“Catholics have noted that during the contested election in 2000, Jeb Bush travelled to Mexico and prayed to the icon of Our Lady of Guadalupe. His victory was announced by the Supreme Court on December 12, the feast day of the Lady of Guadalupe.” Malcolm Moore, George W Bush meets Pope amid claims he might convert to Catholicism, posted on 13 Jun 2008, in the Telegraph Newspaper.

It should therefore be crystal clear that the power from beneath is in the closing stages of his work. To be forewarned is to be forearmed.

Cameron A. Bowen

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