Created Un-Equally

TimeWatch Editorial
March 17, 2016

On the twenty eighth of January 2016, Aaron Morrison wrote an article in the International Business Times entitled: “The Voting Rights Act, Changing Laws and 2016.” Of all the years of expectancy regarding the repudiation of the Constitution, not many students of The Word would have anticipated the breath of change that would affect the entire structure of American Law. Yet it is now clear that a shift in public opinion will indeed create a new interpretation of the law, or a complete change in that law. The foundation of the United States was based upon certain principles.

First, all rights come from God. This principle is expressed in the Declaration of Independence. All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.


The second principle is that all political power emanates from the people. This principle is also the underlying basis for our Declaration of Independence, “governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.”

A third important principle is that the Founders believed that to protect against government oppression, they must separate the power, and give each branch of government formidable checks on the authority of every other branch.

Another very important principle is that our national heritage is a written constitution that sets the rules for governance between the people and their elected representatives. The Founders intent was that this contract would only be changed through the amendment process. Meaning of course that the vote to change must be 2/3 member of the senate, and ratified by ¾ of the state legislatures.

Perhaps one more principle would be sufficient; the right to own private property. In their minds, private property rights were intertwined with liberty. True liberty would never allow the government to come at any time and take a person’s property. That would be Divine Right, which they had fought eight bloody years to escape.

This is why it is so important that Aaron Morrison’s article “The Voting Rights Act, Changing Laws and 2016” be carefully considered. His opening statement is a picture that should not be ignored.

“Decades after many Americans fought, bled and died for the right to vote, millions of voters could be once again be turned away from the polls this year because of a regime of voting laws that disproportionately burden minorities, the elderly, immigrants and the poor. With both presidential and congressional elections in November, advocates warn that the stakes are high.” Aaron Morrison, “The Voting Rights Act, Changing Laws and 2016,” 01/28/16

For those of us who already see the challenges of this year’s election, but who might not be fully aware of the impact of the change of the Voting Rights Act. Listen to how Aaron Morrison continues.

“This year’s presidential election will be the first one held after the U.S. Supreme Court gutted the historic Voting Rights Act in 2013, which required federal pre-clearance of voting law changes for states with a history of voter discrimination. Without those protections in place, pending legal battles over the fairness and constitutionality of recently enacted voting laws will get unprecedented scrutiny this year, advocates on both sides have said. If the courts uphold, for example, a voter ID requirement in North Carolina or allow Texas to redraw districts and reduce political power in heavily immigrant communities, they'd potentially be denying millions the right to vote and be equally represented by their state lawmakers.” Aaron Morrison, “The Voting Rights Act, Changing Laws and 2016,” 01/28/16

The reversal of the basic principles of the Constitution has already begun. A methodical deconstruction of the Republic as foretold is well on its way. The original intention of those who have assaulted the right to vote by their action in Congress may have been simply to ensure their election to office, but there are forces which seek to do more than just to be elected to office. These forces seek the complete destruction of the Republic, bringing the United States under the control of the totalitarian structure of the Papacy.

“We have now an exhibition in our land of how serious a matter it is to lightly esteem, or rise up against, and prove disloyal to, the government or constitution of our land. And then consider how high a crime it must be to trample upon and despise the laws of God's government, and bow to, and reverence, an institution of [the] Papacy, framed by the Man of Sin, who exalted himself above God, and who is the great enemy of God.” {Review and Herald, September 16, 1862 par. 3}

Cameron A. Bowen

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