Manufactured Crises

TimeWatch Editorial
January 24, 2016

Paul McGuire is an author and speaker whose favorite area of study is prophecy. He is the host of a radio talk show, and is a conservative. Guests on McGuire's program have included former President Jimmy Carter, Dr. Tim LaHaye, White House Press Secretary Tony Snow, Senator John McCain, Rick Warren, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, PLO leaders and Anne Rice. Brian Tashman, writer for the “Right Wing Watch” website, published an article on Thursday, October 1, 2015 entitled: End Times Pundit says: Pope Francis Paving The Way For 'Communist World Government.'

Before taking a look at Paul McGuire’s detailed description of the activity of Pope Francis and his intent, we should first establish a workable definition of the word Communist. For decades, scholars and politicians have been debating the righteousness or unrighteousness of this much used term, without providing a valid definition for the benefit of those who have been the listeners to their debate. We will attempt to do that here.

Communism is a social, political, and economic ideology and movement whose ultimate goal is the establishment of a society in which there is a socioeconomic order structured upon the common ownership of the means of production, and the absence of social class. As wonderful as this state of existence might appear to be, it has yet to ever be accomplished, since the lust of the eye, the pride of life, and every other selfish element stored in the heart of mankind, has blocked even the slightest path to this ideal. Mankind has either settled for a perversion of the socialist ideal, in which greed has been hidden under a pretense of brotherly love, or the entire idea has been abandoned for the pursuit of total and unbridled accumulative lust.

That unbridled lust is called “Capitalism.” The definition of this unrestrained pursuit is described this way. In this system, there are two major social classes: the working class – who must work to survive, and who make up a majority of society – and the capitalist class – a minority who derive profit from employing the workers. Moreover, this is further accomplished through private ownership of the physical and institutional means with which commodities are produced and distributed.

Now that these two competing definitions are clearly articulated, Paul McGuire says that Pope Francis’ pushing of the United Nations Sustainable Development 2030 program “is about to put America and the world on the fast track to a one-world government.” What is even more astounding is that Mr. McGuire is warning that:

“The UN will need a “manufactured crisis” to put the one-world government plot into place, which he said “could happen overnight” through “a global financial crisis, the prospect of World War III” or “a manufactured climate-change crisis.” End Times Pundit says: Pope Francis Paving The Way For 'Communist World Government.'

Mr. McGuire might not be clear as yet regarding the “Secret Rapture,” but his vision of the manipulation of events is quite informed. There are many who in the final hours of this world’s history will, because of their sincerity, be shown by the Holy Spirit, the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. But Mr. McGuire’s description of a “manufactured crisis” is not all that he delivers.

Arguing that “Islam is being used” by secretive international powers “as a destabilizing force in both Europe and the United States designed to breakdown a cohesive Judeo-Christian culture,” McGuire suggested that Pope Francis may try to merge Christianity with Islam as more refugees come into Europe as part of a “pre-planned” effort to import Muslim migrants, who in turn will stoke civil unrest and violence until people begin “crying out for some kind of police state to manage the chaos, which appears to be the plan all along.” End Times Pundit says: Pope Francis Paving The Way For 'Communist World Government.'

Mr. McGuire believes that the only thing they are lacking right now is a sufficient crisis big enough to win enthusiastic public support in America and other nations in the world for full-on global governance. But he warns that such a crisis might not be that far away.

“But, remember, the elite who are behind this are experts at manufactured crisis and their motto is ordo ab chao, which means ‘order out of chaos.’ This was a term coined by the Masonic leader Albert Pike,” McGuire told WND. “The new global order will be birthed by either a global financial crisis, the prospect of World War III involving Islam, Russia, Ukraine, NATO, Iran, Syria and Israel and a manufactured climate-change crisis.” End Times Pundit says: Pope Francis Paving The Way For 'Communist World Government.'

As I said before, There are many who in the final hours of this world’s history will, because of their sincerity, be shown by the Holy Spirit, the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Cameron A. Bowen

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