Time to Get Ready

TimeWatch Editorial
January 13, 2016

Michael Snyder will tell you that he does not belong to any political party or political organization. He also assures us that he does not believe that the world is coming to an end suddenly. He believes that events will slowly unfold over time. Mr. Snyder wrote a novel, based upon his analysis of the times entitled: The Beginning of the End.

“The Beginning of the End is a mystery/thriller set in the United States in the near future. It is a time of unprecedented economic collapse, deep political corruption, accelerating social decay, out of control rioting in the cities and great natural disasters. A great storm is coming to America, and time is quickly running out. The Beginning of the End is a great book to give to anyone that is still not prepared for what is ahead. It is a wildly entertaining, fast-paced page-turner that is packed with an abundance of twists and turns that many readers will find difficult to put down, but it is also designed to communicate a tremendous amount of truth at the same time.” Economic Collapse, Michael Snyder, “Who is Michael Snyder?”

Michael Snyder is not the first to write a book and classify it as a novel, while presenting scenarios that are very real. One such author comes immediately to mind. Malachi Martin, Jesuit writer, author of “Keys of this Blood” an accurate description of the power of the Vatican, followed that book with another he name “Windswept House”, a so-called novel, which described the installation of Lucifer in the Vatican:

“The Enthronement of the Fallen Archangel Lucifer was effected within the Roman Catholic Citadel on June 29, 1963; a fitting date for the historic promise about to be fulfilled. As the principal agents of this Ceremonial well knew, Satanist tradition had long predicted that the Time of the Prince would be ushered in at the moment when a Pope would take the name of the Apostle Paul. That requirement-the signal that the Availing Time had begun-had been accomplished just eight days before with the election of the latest Peter-in-the-Line.” Malachi Martin, “Windswept House”, page 7.

That event did indeed take place as is stated by Malachi Martin in subsequent interviews. The reality of the coming economic collapse is equally true as stated in Michael Snyder’s book. Therefore we suggest that you take a few steps that would be necessary to prepare for such an event. Amazingly, Michael Snyder is by no means church affiliated, and yet his counsel on this matter sounds very familiar in many areas. Here is his list of eleven things we should begin with.

#1 Have an Emergency Fund – This is so important that I wrote an entire article about this recently.

#2 Don’t Put All Of Your Eggs Into One Basket – In addition to having an emergency fund, you will also want to have gold, silver and other hard assets.  It is also a very good idea to keep a limited amount of cash at home in case you can’t access an ATM during a major emergency of some sort.

#3 Reduce Your Expenses And Get Out Of Debt – During a time of crisis you want to be as “lean and mean” as possible.  If you simplify your life and reduce your debt load now, you will be in much better shape when the next economic depression does arrive.

#4 Move Your Money Away From Unsafe Investments – When the financial world falls apart, you don’t want your finances to be exposed.  Markets tend to go down much faster than they go up, and during the next great financial crisis millions of Americans that have their life savings in stocks and bonds are going to get totally wiped out.

#5 Store Food And Supplies – Your dollars will never stretch farther than they do right now.  You probably will not need emergency food and supplies in the short-term, but the truth is that none of us ever knows when a major emergency will strike.  During 2014, my wife and I felt more of an urgency to stock up than ever before, and I hope that people are using this brief period of relative stability to do what they can to get prepared.

#6 Learn To Grow Your Own Food – Anything that you can do to become more independent of the system is a good thing.  This includes growing your own food.  And the truth is that some of the most expensive items in the grocery store these days are fresh fruits and vegetables.

#7 Defending Yourself And Your Family – As our world become increasingly unstable, people are going to become a lot more desperate.  And desperate people do desperate things.  You are going to need to have a plan for that.

#8 Move Away From The Big Cities If Possible – For a lot of people that are dependent on their current jobs, this is simply not possible right now.  But if it is possible for you, this is something that I strongly recommend that you think about.  Being stuck in the middle of a major city is not going to be a good place to be in the years ahead.

#9 Be Ready To move Out – There may come a time when you are forced to evacuate from your current location.  This may happen with very short notice.  If this ever does happen to you, the key will be to be prepared for it.

#10 Build A Community – Your neighbors and close friends can be an invaluable resource.  A cord of multiple threads is not easily broken, and if you have people that you can depend upon during a crisis that can make a world of difference.

#11 Have A Back-Up Plan And Be Flexible – Mike Tyson once aptly observed that everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth. The years ahead are going to require a great deal of flexibility, and you may find that the plans that you have made need to be altered.  So don’t get fixated on just one approach. Michael Snyder, Tips That Will Help You Prepare For The Coming Economic Depression, on January 13th, 2015.

We will take a closer look at this preparation in our next editorial.

Cameron A. Bowen


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