December 21, 2015

The Declaration of Dependence

TimeWatch Editorial
December 21, 2015

On September 3rd 2005, Michael Rivero published a rather exhaustive paper entitled: Fake Terror -The Road to War and Dictatorship.Michael Riverois a radio show host of the What Really Happened radio shows on the Republic Broadcasting Network. Rivero begins his paper in the year 70 B.C, when Rome was still a Republic. Of course a Republic is rather restrictive regarding what rulers can or cannot do. He describes an ambitious man named Marcus Licineus Crassus, who had no intention of allowing this ‘Republican’ form of government to limit his intent to control the Empire. There had been a slave revolt led by a man named Spartacus. Spartacus had no intention of invading the Roman Empire. All he and his fellow rebels wanted was enough money to flee to freedom as far as they could find themselves. Crassus, found a way to cause the ships to sail without Spartacus, and thereby giving the slaves no other option but to attack Rome.

“Terrified of the impending arrival of the much-feared army of gladiators, Rome declared Crassus Praetor. Crassus then crushed Spartacus' army and even though Pompey took the credit, Crassus was elected Consul of Rome the following year. With this maneuver, the Romans surrendered their Republican form of government. Soon would follow the first Triumvirate, consisting of Crassus, Pompeii, and Julius Caesar, followed by the reign of the god-like Emperors of Rome.” Michael Rivero, Fake Terror -The Road to War and Dictatorship

Rivero then moves on to describe the plot that Cicero’s plot against Julius Caesar, in which he hired a criminal element to carry out as many assaults as possible to prove that Rome was not safe. Once this environment was created he promised that HE would solve the problems if HE were elected. Sounds rather familiar doesn’t it? Then of course there was Adolf Hitler and the “brown shirts,” gangs of thugs that created a violent and terror laden environment. As we have shown in previous editorials, fear effectively replaces reason. The burning of the Reichstag in a staged terrorist attack put the icing on the cake.

The Germans were hoaxed into surrendering their Republic, and accepting the total rule of Der Fuehrer. Hitler had German troops dressed in Polish uniforms attack the radio station at Gleiwitz, then lied to the Germans, telling them Poland had invaded , and marched Germany off into World War Two. Michael Rivero, Fake Terror -The Road to War and Dictatorship

Rivero then turns to ‘William Randolph Hearst's New York Journal arguing for American intervention in Cuba.’ Apparently, Mr. Hearst sent a photographer to Cuba In 1898 to take pictures in preparation for the coming war with Spain.

On the night of February 15, 1898, the USS Maine, lying in Havana harbor in a show of US resolve to protect her interests, exploded violently. Captain Sigsbee, the commander of the Maine, urged that no assumptions of enemy attack be made until there was a full investigation of the cause of the explosion. For this, Captain Sigsbee was excoriated in the press for "refusing to see the obvious". The Atlantic Monthly declared flat out that to suppose the explosion to be anything other than a deliberate act by Spain was "completely at defiance of the laws of probability". Michael Rivero, Fake Terror -The Road to War and Dictatorship

Michael Rivero’s article is truly an introduction to a new declaration. Since 1776, the nation called The United States of America has leaned heavily upon its Declaration. The men, who fought and died during the battles that reinforced that vaunted statement, were true heroes. The years have proven the magnificence of that form of government, and the blessings of Heaven. But for some time now, there are those who have hated the concept of Independence. Hated it so much that they have laborer tirelessly to destroy and enslave those who would press to sustain it. At long last, they seem to have arrived at a maxim, threatening enough to engage the entire world in insecurity. The bastion of freedom stands upon the brink of a new declaration, The Declaration of Dependence.

Cameron A. Bowen

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