Moving to the Country

living off grid illegal3

October 22, 2015
TimeWatch Editorial

For many today, there is the dream of leaving the city and repairing to the country. For some, it is simply a matter of retirement, spending the later years of life in a more relaxed environment. For others, it is an intriguing adventure to pursue. The picturesque landscape, the poetic sound of birds and animals, the whispering leaves singing in the breeze, presents a utopia that omits the revelation of the lifestyle change involved.

Then they are those, who understand the implications of such a move and are motivated to be properly prepared for it. Their plan is, to completely abandon the drill of urban or for that matter suburban life. The fact of the matter is, living off the grid cannot be accomplished without making major changes in your life and your family’s lifestyle. If you live alone, it will be just your decision that will be needed, however, if there are others in the family, you should be sure that they agree with that move, or at the very least are willing to give it a try.

In the past, some of the decisions have been influenced by one person in the family who is convicted that this is the time to move. Sometimes others in the family or for that matter the spouse, may not be similarly convicted, but unwilling or afraid to object verbally. However, the difficulties and the preparation require that all members of that family be united in this decision. The kind of life anticipated must be properly planned. Are you simply moving to the country, but will need to find work? Will the salaries in the area satisfy your expenses? Will it be necessary to find a school for your children? Where will your relatives who are not going to be with you be located? These are just a few of the questions to be considered.

So the fundamentals need to be considered. Land, shelter, water, food and healthcare, but beyond these, the ultimate results of a successful move will depend upon the warmth of the relationship that exists in the family, before, during and after the move is made. The warmth is for the most part, a spiritual experience. It is the conviction of right, the unity of love. The union of sincerity builds a structure of family that is akin to the oneness of heart. We must understand that “country” is less of a location than it is a state of mind. It is a return to the beauty and simplicity of life. It is the removal of the stresses and strains of our daily existence and replacing it with the peace and joy of Eden.

A beautiful home, with spacious rooms and high ceilings will never take the place of the gentle touch of a loving family. All the acreage available cannot substitute for the warm embrace of those who live in harmony with God and each other. This move then must be preceded by a loving union of those involved, so that the challenges of change will only serve to draw them all much closer.

Cameron A. Bowen

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